7:30pm in Chan Auditorium
We begin our spring series of archaeology events with two fascinating lectures on East Asia. In her research Dr. Sarah Nelson of the University of Denver investigates archaeo-astronomy, origins of agriculture, bronze technology, and gender issues. She is the editor or author of numerous books including Shamanism and the Origin of States, Ancient Queens, In Pursuit of Gender, Ancestors for the Pigs, The Archaeology of Northeast China, Spirit Bird Journey, Korean Social Archaeology, and others.
A big thank you to the Humanities Center and the Global Studies program for their sponsorship of this event.
Dr. Sarah Nelson, University of Denver
Thursday, Feb. 11
12:45: Flutes, Wine, and Astronomy: Shamans in Early East Asia? (Wilson 168)
7:30: Korea and the Silk Road (Chan)
If you'd like to come to the day talk, it will also be your chance to see the new and improved home of Art and Art History in Wilson Hall. We have a wonderful exhibition up now celebrating the life and work of our colleague Mark Marchlinski who passed away last year.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at JoyceL@uah.edu or call 824-6114.
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